Haizuka Glossary
.Artist-in-Residency Program 
  The committee of Haizuka Earthworks project selects international artists to work in the area. People from the region visit the artist studios at the end of the term for a lively presentation and discussion of ideas.
We are in the process of upgrading our studio facilities.

Haizuka Glossary
.Artist MANIFESTO' 94 
sorry, under construction!

Haizuka Glossary
  An area that is uniform in environmental conditions and in its distribution of animal and plant life.
bio- is prefix, "having to do with life" + "topos" is "a place" in Greek.
 ( The American Heritage (R) Dictionary of the English Language)

Haizuka Glossary
  FROGA white smoke climbs upward from the mowed heap of grass, producing a vast ocean of clouds...
as if living things are coming out all at once at that instant. A place to be reminded of one's feelings toward the flowers and plants, the soil, the history, the land... and a process to heal all these elements... that is the what "kyu" is: placing moxa cautery on the earth ("chi").

Haizuka Glossary
  FROGAn particular type of frog that inhabit in humid-short summer climate area, Tokai to East Coast of the Seto Inland Sea in Japan.
Animal Classification: Amphibians,  Rana porosa brevipoda Ito.19,11
Rana is a type of frog and porosa brevipoda means short legs in Latin.
Darumagaeru is now at the brink of extinction leave.

FROGOther observed endangered amphibians & vegetables in Haizuka are: Kasumi-sansyouuo, Kasumi Salamander  Hynobius Nebulosus Neburosus and Setsubunsou  Eranthis Pinnatifida Maxim

Haizuka Glossary
.Environmental Cultural Heritage  HERITAGE
  Haizuka designates and builds its original environmental cultural heritage, by evaluating all visual objects, whether old or new, that are potential source of historical and scenic elements: artificial buildings, nature, ecology, vegetation, trees, and creatures.

Haizuka Glossary
.Home-Stay for Art Works  HOMESTAY
  Artworks produced by artists in the Project are selected and exhibited by the local residents. Artworks "home-stay" at residential homes as well as public facilities. Unlike the experience of a museum, exhibitors can personalize the artworks and visitors can tour the local area by visiting the respective homes and public areas.

Haizuka Glossary
  The marebito were unexpected visitors from distant communities who were invited to take part in religious ceremonies related to the seasonal cycle in pre-modern Japan. They were believed to be possessed of the power to rid the community of evil spirits and replace them with good ones.

Haizuka Glossary
.Small Stand Museum  SMALLMUSEUM
  ..., As if to stick a coin into a vending machine, stick your head inside the hole at the bottom of a screen with long legs...
Based on this concept, this program places a set of black boxes around the Haizuka.

Haizuka Glossary
.Summer Camp 
  Session I. Fieldwork with practical exercises including a tour of the Haizuka dam area; and talks on the natural and social history.
  Session II.  Lecture on the years theme, students select a site and develop ideas for presentation and evaluation on the last day.

Haizuka Glossary
.Sunflower project  SUNFLOWER
  Ongoing project in Yasuda redevelopment area. Planting many sunflowers with children in the Himawari (Sunflower) embankment and make the place of the field theater for the children.

Haizuka Glossary
."Zasso" -- Grass--  : 1999 Art Sphere Theme FROG
  This program is designed so that each participant can develop ideas for a sustainable environment within the Haizuka dam area.

Haizuka Glossary