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アート・ステュディウム2001 in 灰塚
■□ アートスフィア灰塚2001*クレジット
Phone: 082488-3080 E-Mail: haizuka@ny.airnet.ne.jp




■□ 絵葉書メッセージ*道元『現世公案』
When fish swim in water, though they keep swimming, there is no end to the water. When birds fly in the sky, though they keep flying, there is no end to the sky. At the same time, fish and birds have never left the water or the sky. The more [water or sky] they use, the more useful it is; the less [water or sky] they need, the less useful it is. Acting like this, each one realizes its limitations at every moment and each one somersaults [in complete freedom] at every place; but if a bird leaves the sky it will die at once, and if a fish leaves the water it will die at once. So we can conclude that water is life and the sky is life; at the same time, birds are life, and fish are life; it may be that life is birds and life is fish.
There may be other expressions that go even further.
■□ 2001年度Tシャツ販売のご案内
【定 価】 2,000円(サイズ[S〜M][M〜L][LL])
【カラー】 全9色(現在クリームは品切れとなっております)
【購入方法】 Tシャツの購入をご希望される場合は、カラー・サイズ・枚数とご連絡先(郵便番号・住所・電話番号)を明記の上、アースワークセンターまでメールにてお申し込みください。2001年度モデル限定生産のため、在庫切れもございます。
Phone: 082488-3080 E-Mail: haizuka@ny.airnet.ne.jp
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